Daftar Profesi dan Pekerjaan di Jerman boleh untuk Orang Asing (Indonesia)

Positivliste (Daftar Bidang Pekerjaan di Jerman untuk Orang Asing)

Positivliste merupakan Daftar Pekerjaan di Jerman yang dapat diisi oleh pekerja terampil asing (bukan warga negaraa Jerman) dalam kondisi tertentu di Jerman. Hal ini dilakukan karena kurangnya pekerja terampil pada jenis pekerjaan tertentu sehingga boleh di isi oleh orang asing (warga negara non Jerman). Positiveliste di atur dan ditentukan oleh Badan Ketenagakerjaan Federal.

Dasar hukumnya adalah § 6 (2) kalimat 1 no 2 dari Ordonansi Ketenagakerjaan Tahun ….. Tujuan peraturan ini adalah untuk mempermudah pekerja terampil untuk bermigrasi ke Jerman.

Tetapi siapa pun ingin mengisi profesi yang tercantum dalam daftar ini tidak dapat langsung memulai pekerjaan di Jerman. Pertama-tama, yang bersangkutan harus menentukan dan menyatakan bahwa pendidikannya sesuai dengan pendidikan berkualitas di Jerman.

Syarat dapat bekerja di Jerman adalah memiliki keahlian yang diakui oleh pemerintah Jerman.

Anda dapat bekerja di Jerman jika:

  • Telah Lulus program Ausbildung untuk pekerjaan dengan kualifikasi Fachkraft (Tenaga Ahli)
  • Telah Lulus program Weiterbildung untuk pekerjaan dengan kualifikasi Meister (Spesialis)
  • Telah Lulusan Sarjana dari Universitas Jerman untuk peker- jaan dengan kualifikasi Fachkraft (Tenaga Ahli) dan Meister (Spesialis).

Lulusan sarjana dari Indonesia tidak dapat langsung bekerja di Jerman. Maka harus melalui proses penyetaraan gelar profesional dan keahlian sampai diakui 100%. Cara mendapatkan pengakuan dapat melalui penyetaraan (Anarkenung) ditambah dengan magang di Jerman selama 1 s.d. 2 tahun. Magang harus dilakukan karena rata-rata lulusan Sarjana dari Indonesia hanya diakui 50% penyetaraannya terutama yang berkaitan dengan pengalaman, kualitas praktik/ bekerja.

Verordnung über die Beschäftigung von Ausländerinnen und Ausländern (Beschäftigungsverordnung – Beschv)

Regulasi tentang Penempatan Tenaga Asing (Peraturan Ketenagakerjaan – Pekerjaan Ordonansi) Pasal § 6 magang

  1. Untuk warga negara asing yang telah memperoleh pelatihan kejuruan yang berkualifikasi di Jerman dalam pekerjaan yang diakui oleh negara atau sebanding, mereka dapat diberikan otorisasi untuk mengejar pekerjaan yang sepadan dengan kualifikasi profesional mereka. Pelatihan kejuruan yang memenuhi syarat ada jika durasi pelatihan setidaknya dua tahun.
  2. Bagi orang asing yang telah memperoleh kualifikasi profesional mereka di luar negeri, persetujuan untuk mengejar kualifikasi kejuruan dapat diberikan dalam pekerjaan yang diakui oleh negara atau yang dapat dibandingkan jika, sesuai dengan peraturan Federasiatau Länderuntukotoritasyangkompeten telah menetapkan kesetaraan kualifikasi profesional dengan pelatihan kejuruan domestik yang berkualitas, dan


Orang yang bersangkutan telah ditempatkan oleh Badan Ketenagakerjaan Federal berdasarkan perjanjian dengan layanan ketenagakerjaan negara asal melalui prosedur, pemilihan, dan penempatan; atau


Badan Ketenagakerjaan Federal telah membedakan menurut kekhususan regional dan telah menentukan bahwa pengisian posisi yang kosong dengan pelamar asing bertanggung jawab atas pasar tenaga kerja dan kebijakan integrasi.

  1. Badan Ketenagakerjaan Federal dapat membatasi persetujuan dalam kasus kalimat 1 nomor 2 untuk negara asal tertentu dan dapat menentukan jumlah persetujuan yang diperlukan.

Persetujuan sesuai dengan ayat 1 dan 2 harus diberikan tanpa pemeriksaan


pursuant to section 6 (2) sentence 1 no. 2 of the Employment Regulation: Immigration of profession- als into recognized occupations.

The Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit, BA) has determined that the filling of vacancies in the following occupations with foreign applicants is justifiable regarding labour market and integration policy under the following conditions:


Type of occupation (Classification of occupations 2010)Qualification level
2 = Skilled worker3 = Specialist
121 93Supervision and management horticulturex
212 22Professions in the production of building materialsx
221 02Professions in plastics and rubber productionx
223 42Professions in Wood, Furniture & Interior Designx
223 03Professions in woodworking & processingx
241 32Professions in the industrial foundryx
242 12 / 242 22/ 242 32 / 242 33Professions in in the non-cutting; abrasive; metal cuttingxx
244 12 / 244 13Professions in metalconstructionxx
245 22Professions in tool engineeringx
251 32Technical service staff maintenancex
252 12/252 22Automotive, agricultural machinery and construction machinery technologyx
252 93Supervision of vehicle, aerospace and shipbuilding technologyx
261 12Professions in mechatronicsx
261 22/261 23Professions in automation technologyxx
262 12Professions in building electricsx
262 22Professions in electrical engineeringx
262 52Professions in building electricsx
262 62Professions line installation, maintenancex
263 12Professions information and telecommunications technologyx
263 93Supervisors – electrical engineeringx
272 32Professions in model buildingx
273 02Professions in technical production planning & controlx
292 32Professions in meat processingx
321 22Professions in wall craftx
321 42Professions in roofingx
321 93Supervision – building constructionx
322 02 / 322 22 / 322 32 / 322 42 / 322 52Building construction professions in civil engineering (without specialisation), road & asphalt construction, track construction, well construction, canal & tunnel constructionx
322 93Supervision – Civil engineeringx
331 02Civil engineering professions in floor laying (without specialisa- tion)x
331 12 /331 32Tile, slab, mosaic, parquet layingx
333 22 / 333 52Carpentry, roller shutter and blind constructionx
333 93Supervision – development, dry construction, insulation, car- pentry, glazing, construction of roller shutters and blindsx
342 02Construction professions in plumbing (without specialisation)x
342 12 / 342 13Professions in sanitary, heating and air conditioningxx
342 22Professions in oven and air heating constructionx
342 32Professions in refrigeration technologyx
342 93Supervisors – plumbing, sanitary, heating, air conditioningx
343 22Professions in pipeline constructionx
343 42Professions Plant, Container & Apparatus Constructionx
434 13Software developmentx
521 22Professional Driversx
522 02Locomotive driver rail transportx
723 03Professions in taxx
811 22Podologists (m/f)x
813 02Health care, nursing (without specialisation)x
813 13Professions in specialist nursingx
813 32Occupations operation/med.-techn. Assistancex
813 53Occupations obstetrics, maternity carex
817 13Professions in physiotherapyx
817 33Professions in speech therapyx
821 02/ 821 83Professions in nursing care for the elderlyxx
823 93Supervisors – personal hygienex
825 12Professions in orthopaedics, rehabilitation technologyx
825 32Professions in hearing aid acousticsx
825 93Master of orthopaedics, rehabilitation technology and hearing aid acoustics except for medical technology, ophthalmic optics and dental technologyx
932 32Professions in interior decorationx

You will find a summary of recognised occupations and individual activities in Annex 1. A publication of the position in the job market is not a prerequisite for the BA’s consent to the employment of foreign employees.


Regarding the Whitelist

The occupations were selected based on the Federal Employment Agency’s skilled-worker bottleneck analysis, which is available online at the following location: www.statistik.ar- beitsagentur.de > Labour market reports > demand for skilled workers and jobs > Current bottleneck analysis

The bottleneck analysis focuses on nationwide bottlenecks, supplemented by a regional view on the level of the federal states.

For the Whitelist according to section 6 paragraph. 2 Sentence 1 No. 2 of the Employment regulation, occupations from the skilled-worker bottleneck analysis were selected for which no other possibilities of labour market entry exist, e.g. the EU Blue Card for academics.

The newly added occupations are underlined.

The skilled worker’s bottleneck analysis is updated every six months. The Whitelist is only to be updated, however, if two consecutive reviews of the available information indicate that the list should be changed. The new Skilled Immigration Act will enter into force on March 1st 2020. From that date the Whitelist will no longer apply.

Regarding the qualification level

  • Qualification level 2 – skilled worker – corresponds to a professionally oriented activity which requires at least two years of vocational training or comparable qualification.
  • Qualification level 3 – Specialist – is assigned to occupations that require special knowledge and special skills, which usually require a master or technician training or an equivalent tech- nical college or university degree.

General information on labour market entry for foreign applicants is available on the Internet at www.arbeitsagentur.de/arbeitsmarktzulassung

Annexe 1 to the Whitelist –

summary of individual recognised training occupations

The following list explains the Whitelist of individual training occupations and activities. The job titles come from the database BERUFENET of the Federal Employment Agency. Information on the individual occupations can be found at www.berufenet.arbeitsagentur.de

BKZProfessional titleProfessional group
121 93Master gardener (m/f)Further education professions- Mas- ter craftsperson
212 22Process mechanic (m/f) in the non-metallic minerals industryTraining professions – Dual
212 22Precast concrete parts worker (m/f)Training professions – Dual
212 22Stonemason (m/f)Training professions – Dual
221 02Mechanic (m/f) in plastics and rubber processingTraining professions – Dual
223 42Joiner (m/f)Training professions – Dual
223 42Specialist in furniture, kitchen and removal servicesTraining professions – Dual
223 42Customer consultant (m/f) – joinerFurther education professions- Other
223 42Wood mechanic (m/f) of interior fittings and construction elementsTraining professions – Dual
223 42Wood mechanic (m/f) – manufacturing of furniture and interior compo- nentsTraining professions – Dual
223 42Wood mechanic (m/f) construction element, wooden packing and frameTraining professions – Dual
223 03Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere classifiedContinuing education professions – technicians
241 32Foundry mechanic (m/f)Training professions – Dual
242 12Press tool operator and metal working mechanic (m/f)Training professions – Dual
242 12Skilled metal worker (m/f) – In metal forming and wire technologyTraining professions – Dual
242 22Pre-polisher for jewellery and precision engineered products (m/f)Training professions – Dual
242 22Polisher (m/f)Training professions – Dual
242 32Milling machine operator (m/f)Training professions – Dual
242 32Skilled metal worker (m/f) – In cutting proceduresTraining professions – Dual
242 33Mechanical engineering technicians (m/f)Continuing education professions – Technicians
242 33Metal working machine tool setters and operators (m/f)Further education professions- Other
244 12Metalworker (m/f)Training professions – Dual
244 12Construction mechanic (m/f)Training professions – Dual
244 12Skilled metal worker (m/f) – metal constructionsTraining professions – Dual
244 13Civil engineering techniciansContinuing education professions – Technicians
245 22Gunsmith (m/f)Training professions – Dual
245 22Tools mechanic (m/f)Training professions – Dual
245 22Precision tool mechanic (m/f)Training professions – Dual
251 32Dispensing and game machine specialist (m/f)Training professions – Dual
252 12Automotive service technician (m/f)Further education professions- Other
252 12Motor Vehicle Mechatronics engineer (m/f) – Personal motor vehicle technologyTraining professions – Dual
252 12Car body and vehicle construction mechanic (m/f) – Karross.instandh.Training professions – Dual
252 12Motor Vehicle mechatronics engineer (m/f)- commercial vehicle tech- nologyTraining professions – Dual
252 12Motor Vehicle Mechatronics engineer (m/f) – body technologyTraining professions – Dual
252 12Motor Vehicle mechatronics engineer (m/f) – system and high-voltage technologyTraining professions – Dual
252 12Car body and vehicle construction mechanic (m/f) – car body/vehicle construction.Training professions – Dual
252 12Specialist – innovative vehicle preparationFurther education professions- Other
252 22Metal Construction Commercial Vehicle Construction (m/f)Training professions – Dual
252 22Agricultural and construction machinery mechatronics engineer (m/f)Training professions – Dual
252 93Master vehicle and car body repair specialistFurther education professions- Master craftsperson
252 93Master vehicle technicianFurther education professions- Master craftsperson
252 93Master mechanic for agricultural machinesFurther education professions- Master craftsperson
252 93Master mechanic (m/f) of two-wheelersFurther education professions- Master craftsperson
252 93Industrial foreman/woman – aircraft construction/aeronautical engineer- ingFurther education professions- Master craftsperson
252 93Operations Manager – automotive engineeringFurther education professions- Other
261 12Mechatronic technician (m/f)Training professions – Dual
261 12Techn. Assistant (m/f) – MechatronicsTraining professions – FSO
261 22Electronics technician (m/f) – automation technology (Craft or industry)Training professions – Dual
261 22Industrial technologist (m/f)Training professions – FSO
261 23Technician (m/f) – electrical engineering (Automation Technology)Continuing education professions – Technicians
262 12Qualified electrician for specified tasks (m/f)Further education professions- Other
262 12Electronics technician (m/f)- energy and building services engineeringTraining professions – Dual
262 12Electronics technician (m/f) – Building and infrastructure systemsTraining professions – Dual
262 22Electronics technician (m/f) – machines and drive technologyTraining professions – Dual
262 52Electronics technician (m/f) – industrial engineeringTraining professions – Dual
262 52Electronics technician (crafts)Training professions – Dual
262 52Industrial electrician (m/f)Training professions – Dual
262 52Industrial electrician (m/f) – industrial engineeringTraining professions – Dual
262 62Electrical installation technician (m/f)Training professions – Dual
263 12Information technology and telecommunications system electronics technician (m/f)Training professions – Dual
263 12Information electronics technician (m/f)Training professions – Dual
263 12Electronics technician (m/f) – Information and telecommunication tech- nologyTraining professions – Dual
263 12Systems informatics technicianTraining professions – Dual
263 93Electrics Technician (master craftsperson) (m/f)Further education professions- Master craftsperson
263 93Communication Technician (master craftsperson) (m/f)Further education professions- Master craftsperson
263 93Industrial supervisor specialising in electrical engineeringFurther education professions- Master craftsperson
272 32Pattern-maker (casting industry) or model-maker (automotive industry) (m/f)Training professions – Dual
273 02Production technologist (m/f)Training professions – Dual
292 32Butcher (m/f)Training professions – Dual
321 22Mason (m/f)Training professions – Dual
321 42Roofer (m/f)Training professions – Dual
321 93Master roofer (m/f)Further education professions- Master craftsperson
321 93Master scaffolder (m/f)Further education professions- Master craftsperson
321 93Scaffolding foreman/womanFurther education professions- Other
321 93Master craftsperson (m/f) for masonry and concrete constructionFurther education professions- Master craftsperson
321 93Foreman/womanFurther education professions- Master craftsperson
321 93Foreman/woman – Building constructionFurther education professions- Master craftsperson
321 93Site foreman/womanFurther education professions- Other
321 93Site foreman/woman – building constructionFurther education professions- Other
322 02Civil engineering technicianTraining professions – Dual
322 02Special civil engineer (m/f)Training professions – Dual
322 22Road builder (m/f)Training professions – Dual
322 22Asphalt builder (m/f)Training professions – Dual
322 22Civil engineering worker (m/f) road buildingTraining professions – Dual
322 32Track builder (m/f)Training professions – Dual
322 32Civil engineering worker (m/f) rail track constructionTraining professions – Dual
322 42Well builder (m/f)Training professions – Dual
322 42Civil engineering worker (m/f) well constructionTraining professions – Dual
322 52Canal builder (m/f)Training professions – Dual
322 52Civil engineering worker (m/f) duct constructionTraining professions – Dual
322 93Master of road construction (m/f)Further education professions- Master craftsperson
322 93Foreman/woman in Civil EngineeringFurther education professions- Master craftsperson
322 93Construction foreman/woman in Civil EngineeringFurther education professions- Other
322 93Master of well construction (m/f)Further education professions- Master craftsperson
322 93Master of rail-track constructionFurther education professions- Master craftsperson
322 93Master of hydraulic engineeringFurther education professions- Master craftsperson
331 02Floor layer (m/f)Training professions – Dual
331 12Tile, slab and mosaic layer (m/f)Training professions – Dual
331 32Parquet installer (m/f)Training professions – Dual
333 22Carpenter (m/f)Training professions – Dual
333 22Boat builder (m/f)- new construction, extension and conversionTraining professions – Dual
333 52Roller shutter and sun protection mechatronics technicianTraining professions – Dual
333 93Construction Manager – CarpentryFurther education professions- Other
333 93Works Foreman/woman – FinishingFurther education professions- Other
333 93Master carpenter (m/f)Further education professions- Mas- ter craftsperson
333 93Master of thermal, cold and noise insulation filter (m/f)Further education professions- Master craftsperson
333 93Master glazer (m/f)Further education professions- Master craftsperson
333 93Roller shutter and sun protection technician (m/f)Further education professions- Master craftsperson
333 93Industrial master craftsperson (m/f) – insulationFurther education professions- Mas- ter craftsperson
333 93Industrial master craftsperson (m/f) – Acoustic and drywall constructionFurther education professions- Master craftsperson
333 93Construction supervisor (m/f) – roof, wall and sealing technologyFurther education professions- Other
342 02Plumber m/fTraining professions – Dual
342 12Plant mechanic – sanitary, heating and air conditioning technologyTraining professions – Dual
342 13Technician – Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning technologyContinuing education professions – Technicians
342 13Technician – Sanitary engineeringContinuing education professions – Technicians
342 22Oven and air heating installer (m/f)Training professions – Dual
342 32Mechatronics engineer (m/f) – refrigeration technologyTraining professions – Dual
342 93Operations manager – sanitary and heating technologyFurther education professions- Other
342 93Master craftsperson (m/f) for installation and heating systemsFurther education professions- Master craftsperson
342 93Master craftsperson (m/f) for refrigeration systemsFurther education professions- Master craftsperson
342 93Master plumber (m/f)Further education professions- Master craftsperson
342 93Master craftsperson (m/f) for oven and air heating systemsFurther education professions- Master craftsperson
343 22Civil engineering worker (m/f) – pipeline installationTraining professions – Dual
343 22Pipeline fitter (m/f)Training professions – Dual
343 22Net mechanic (m/f)Further education professions- Other
343 42Sheet-metal workersTraining professions – Dual
343 42Plant mechanic (m/f)Training professions – Dual
434 13IT solution developer (m/f)Further education professions- Other
521 22Drivers (m/f)Training professions – Dual
522 02Railway worker (m/f) – operations – engine driver and transportationTraining professions – Dual
723 03Accounting associate professionalsTraining professions – FSO
811 22Podologist (m/f)Training professions – FSO
813 02Health and paediatric nurse (m/f)Training professions – FSO
813 02Health and nursing professional (m/f)Training professions – FSO
813 13Specialist nurse (m/f)Further education professions- Other
813 13Specialist nurse (m/f) – Emergency careFurther education professions- Other
813 13Specialist nurse (m/f) – Intensive care/anaestheticsFurther education professions- Other
813 13Specialist nurse (m/f) – Clinical geriatricsFurther education professions-
813 13Specialist nurse (m/f) – NephrologyFurther education professions- Other
813 13Specialist nurse (m/f) – OncologyFurther education professions- Other
813 13Specialist nurse (m/f) – operation/endoscopic serviceFurther education professions- Other
813 13Specialist nurse (m/f) – palliative and hospice careFurther education professions- Other
813 13Specialist nurse (m/f) – PsychiatryFurther education professions- Other
813 13Specialist nurse (m/f) – rehabilitation/Long-term careFurther education professions- Other
813 32Anaesthesia technical assistant (m/f)Training professions – FSO
813 32Surgical technician (m/f)Training professions – Dual
813 32Surgical assistant (m/f)Training professions – FSO
813 53Midwife/Maternity nurseTraining professions – FSO
817 13Physiotherapist (m/f)Training professions – FSO
817 13Motopedist (m/f)Continuing education – Other
817 33Speech and language therapist (m/f)Training professions – FSO
817 33Audiologists and speech therapistsTraining professions – FSO
821 02geriatric nurse (m/f)Training professions – FSO
821 83Specialist nurse (m/f) – clinical geriatrics/rehabilitationFurther education professions- Other
821 83Specialist nurse (m/f) – OncologyFurther education professions- Other
821 83Specialist nurse (m/f) – palliative and hospice careFurther education professions- Other
821 83Specialist nurse (m/f) – PsychiatryFurther education professions- Other
823 93Hairdresser (m/f)Further education professions- Master craftsperson
825 12Orthopaedic technician (m/f)Training professions – Dual
825 32Audiologist (m/f)Training professions – Dual
825 93Master of hearing aid acoustician (m/f)Further education professions- Master craftsperson
825 93Orthopaedic technician (m/f)Further education professions- Master craftsperson
932 32Interior decorator (m/f)Training professions – Dual


The Employment Regulation (BeschV), which entered into force on 1 July 2013, created the basis for facilitating the immigration of skilled workers into Germany.

According to section 6 para.2 sentence1 no. 2 of this Regulation, consent may be granted for foreign nationals who have acquired their professional qualification abroad to pursue employment corresponding to their professional qualification in a state-recognised or comparably regulated training occupation, if the body responsible for vocational recognition under the regulations of the Federal Government or the state regulation has established the equivalence of the professional qualification with qualified vocational training in Germany and the Federal Employment Agency for the relevant occupation or occupational group has determined, differentiated according to regional particularities, that filling the vacancies with foreign applicants is justifiable in terms of labour market and integration policy.

The consent is granted without the fundamental examination required to determine whether pref- erential employees are available to fill the position. However, the employment conditions offered must correspond to those of comparable domestic employees.

Following on from the ” EU Blue Card” for highly qualified people, improved recognition of foreign professional qualifications and easier entry opportunities for students from non-EU countries, the Whitelist is a further important step towards enabling employees from third countries to have uncomplicated access to the German labour market and to meet the skilled labour needs of the German economy with qualified immigration.


If you have found your occupation on the “list of occupations” and would like to work in your trained occupation in Germany, you must now find out whether your training corresponds to that of a qualified training programme in Germany. You can find out whether this is the case, as well as how and where you can apply to have the equivalence of your qualification determined, by visiting the website: “Recognition in Germany“.

Once this check is completed and you have been issued with a certificate from the relevant au- thority confirming the equivalence of your training to a German programme of education, you may, upon presentation of this certificate, apply for an entry visa at the German diplomatic mission or consular post abroad in your home country. If you are already living in Germany or can travel there without a visa, then the immigration office (Auslä nderbehö rde) in your municipality is re- sponsible for you.

It may be necessary to acquire additional theoretical knowledge and/or professional experience in your home country to determine the equivalence of your degree. With a residence title (Aufen- thaltstitel) according to section 17a of the Residence Act (AufenthG), you are permitted to enter Germany to do a training programme for a duration of up to 18 months if such a programme is required to determine the equivalence of your qualification. In addition to doing the training pro- gramme, you can work up to ten hours per week independently of such a programme. In the case of a job that is closely related on an occupational level to the occupation you intend to carry out in the future, there are no time limits in relation to doing such work.

If you have a residence permit according to section 17a of the Residence Act you can also enter Germany to take the examination required to determine the equivalence of your foreign qualifica- tions. If proof of professional experience but not the acquisition of additional theoretical knowledge is required to determine the equivalence of your degree, you can also receive a residence permit for the purpose of employment with the consent of the Federal Employment Agency (section 18 of the Residence Act (AufenthG), in conjunction with section 8 of the Employment Regulation (Bes- chV)).

Informasi Program-Program di Jerman

Ausbildung Perawat

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